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Welcome to Grade 6

Water Bottles / Fruit

We ask that children continue to have their own drink bottles at school and that these are cleaned on a regular basis. Children are to have fruit at school for daily fruit break.

Library day for Grade 6 students will be on Wednesdays. Children will be able to borrow books and take these home as part of their reading.  Any reading completed at home should be written in diaries for teachers to see.

Sports uniform days for Grade 6 this year are Monday and Wednesday. If children are out of uniform for any reason please inform class teachers through email or a note in diary.

School Hat - please make sure your child has their correct school hat at school each day and that they have their names clearly marked on them. No hat! No play!

Computers (Chromebooks)
Children will be issued with their own personal computer. 

Headphones - Children will need to have their own personal set of headphones at school.

Art Smocks
Children will be required to have an art smock at school for Art.

Students who require medication and health plans please ensure that the school has a copy. Please ensure that all medications these have been signed by a doctor or pharmacist, updated and sent into school.


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